My name is Esperanza Domingo Carrillo, I was born in Granada, where I studied medicine until 2007. Then I moved to Germany, where I studied medicine for two years in Gießen and finally I moved to Berlin in 2009, where I live and where I did my specialist training in general medicine. For the last two years I have been training as a systemic psychotherapist at the SIA Institute in Kreuzberg.


Bachelor of  Medicine. UGR (Granada) / JLU (Gießen)


Addiction medicine basic Training. Ärztekammer Berlin.


Psychosomatic care basic Training. BIPP, Berlín.


GP Training and Registration as general Practitioner. Ärztekammer Berlin.


Physician in the emergency room. Vivantes Klinikum am Urban, Berlin.


Systemic psychotherapy Training. Instituto SIA, Berlin.


Lecture series on lyfestyle medicine. Midfulness and cognitive science. UCM